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...You didn’t take me in I was your prisoner, I was your puppet, I was your bitch!

— Elizabeth to Mellie Grant, ("Heavy is the Head")

Elizabeth "Lizzie" North", The chairwoman of the Republican National Committee and a political advisor to the First Lady during her senate campaign. She became the Chief of Staff when Cyrus Beene was fired by the president; she was later fired and replaced by Cyrus Beene the original Chief of Staff. Elizabeth is Jane North's mother.


The character of Elizabeth North is a supporting character in the fourth season of the series. She plays a major part to the storyline of Cyrus Beene, Michael and Andrew Nichols.


When OPA were investigating her phone, we found out about how Elizabeth worked her way up to the top and into the White House. Before she became the Head of the RNC, she was one of main people campaigning for Fitz Grant's Presidency; she was pregnant with her daughter Jane at the time. She then became famous because she was good at getting funds for the campaign, she eventually married a republican (now ex-Husband who think she's a bitch) and had her daughter Jane.

Season Four

Elizabeth is gets angry when Cyrus Beene wants David Rosen to become the new Attorney General. Just as David is about to be confirmed Attorney General, "Lizzie Bear" shows Cyrus pictures of David's ex-wife; who has been a victim of Domestic Violence. Elizabeth tells Cyrus these pictures will hurt David as a candidate for Attorney General and Cyrus for nominating him. Elizabeth North then creates a scheme which would allow her to diminish President Grant and get information from the White House. She does this by having a prostitute named Michael Ambruso to sleep with and get information from Cyrus.

4x08 - Olivia and Elizabeth (Official)

Elizabeth North thinks someone is bugging her phone. Many are looking for her to be removed as head of the Republican National Committee. Olivia doesn’t like Elizabeth, but she does agree to help her. She knows Cyrus is the one bugging her phone. Later, Olivia sends Huck is sent to investigate Elizabeth’s secret apartment. It is revealed that Andrew is in fact having an affair with Elizabeth. Elizabeth finds out that Olivia lied to her and it was Cyrus that bugged her phone. As a retaliation, she leaks pictures of Michael and Cyrus together, leading Cyrus to quit as Chief of Staff. Quinn does a further investigation and finds that Elizabeth, Andrew and Dan have been planning to start a war between West-Angola and the U.S.

4x11 - Elizabeth North Scars

After Olivia Pope is kidnapped by Andrew, Elizabeth is visited by, he says she has 24hrs to find Olivia or he will kill her daughter. Huck returns and there is still no sign of Olivia, so Huck tortures Elizabeth. She shows Mellie her scares from Huck's torturing. So Mellie helps Elizabeth by seducing and sleeping with Andrew to get all of his cell phones. Elizabeth then takes those phones to the OPA team. After Andrew is found out by Cyrus, he gives her an ultimatum; as she cannot leave the country and she doesn't want to go to prison. He tells her to testify against Andrew and after that she will become Cyrus' 'Bitch'. To get away from Cyrus, Elizabeth North goes to see Mellie in her office and tells her that she wants to be her campaign manager. Elizabeth also makes it clear that Mellie doesn't just want to be Senator of Viginia, she wants to be President of The United States. Elizabeth helped Mellie become Virginia's new Senator, but she told Fitz about Rowan threatening Mellie; not knowing who Rowan was. As retaliation, Fitz kicked Mellie out of the White House and had Elizabeth replace Cyrus as the new Chief of Staff; Fitz fried Cyrus.

Season Five

Elizabeth starts off Season Five as the new Chief of Staff at The White House. Eventually she is fired and replaced by the person she replaced; Cyrus Beene. With a little help from David, Abby realizes that Elizabeth is the one who leaked the scandalous photos. She uses this knowledge to force a standard of equality, A slightly-thrown Elizabeth agrees to work with her in the future.

After being fired from The White House, she became Susan Ross' Presidential Campaign Manager. Elizabeth knew that the American people loved Susan; she could become the first Female President of The United States of America. Elizabeth forced David Rosen to tell Susan that she would make a great candidate, Susan agree but with David cheating and constantly lying to her (while David was sleeping with Elizabeth), the lies became to much for Susan to handle and she gave up her Presidential nominee position to Mellie.

Season Six

Elizabeth was still working in The White House after Susan Ross quit as a Presidential candidate, she offered to be Cyrus Beene's Chief of Staff after Francisco Vargas was murdered but that never happened as Cyrus was arrested for Francisco's murder. Elizabeth needed a new job, Abby Whelan offered to give her a job but only if she went to visit Cyrus in Prison, to tell him that he wasn't going to get the Death Penalty.


Main article: Elizabeth North's Murder

Elizabeth North was killed by Samantha Ruland, Samantha beat Elizabeth over the head with a Golf club; when Mellie refused to help Peus make her become the new President of The United States of America.


Romantic Relationships

4x08 - Elizabeth and Andrew

It is discovered by Huck and Quinn that Elizabeth North is having an affair with Andrew Nichols; while they are staking out Elizabeth North's Penthouse when Olivia Pope & Associates investigate the connection between Dan Kubiak, Andrew and Elizabeth. The both conspire with Dan Kubiak to make sure the war against West Angola happens by forcing by forcing President Fitz Grant's hand, Andrew does this by taking the one thing that Fitz cannot live without; Olivia. After Olivia Pope is kidnapped by Andrew and he refuses to sign a the letter of resignation, Cyrus forces Elizabeth to testify against Andrew or he will have her arrested and thrown into jail.

5x07 - DizzieBear 07

When Elizabeth North was invited onto The Liberty Report, she threatened to tell Sally Langston everything about Olivia Pope and Fitz Grant's relationship. To make Elizabeth happy, Fitz gave her the job of Susan Ross' Chief of Staff. Elizabeth then went back to the Department of Justice to visit David Rosen to get her seized laptop back, Elizabeth gets David to admit he likes her before sleeping with him. Elizabeth wanted Susan Ross to run for President because she told her that the American people like her; and because Elizabeth wants to get into the Oval office. After Susan refused and kept saying no, Lizzie told David to tell Susan to run for President after a heart-to-heart, Susan finally agreed to run for President; thanks to David calling her a "Warrior".


Elizabeth phone started to bug out she takes it to Olivia Pope for help sussing out the problem; Liv and Huck figure out that it was bugged by Cyrus. When she confronts Cyrus, he confesses to Liv that he’s sleeping with a "whore" Michael Ambruso. To get around the fact that it was Cyrus who bugged Liz's phone, Olivia tells Elizabeth that her phone was attacked by the Goldilocks bug but it's nothing dangerous.


4x01 - Cyrus Beene and Elizabeth North 04

She gets angry when Cyrus Beene wants David Rosen to become the new Attorney General. Just as David is about to be confirmed Attorney General, Elizabeth shows Cyrus pictures of David's ex-wife; who has been a victim of Domestic Violence. She tells Cyrus these pictures will hurt David as a candidate for Attorney General and Cyrus for nominating him. Elizabeth North then creates a scheme which would allow her to diminish President Grant and get information from the White House. She does this by having a prostitute named Michael Ambruso to sleep with and get information from Cyrus. When Cyrus is bugging Elizabeth's phone, she retaliates and leaks pictures of Michael and Cyrus together, leading Cyrus to quit as Chief of Staff.

4x13 - Show Some Solidarity Sister 05

After Huck threatens to kill her daughter and tortures Elizabeth, she goes to Mellie Grant for help. Mellie seduces Andrew and is able to steal his mobile phones; including the burner phone that he is using to contact Ian Woods. Elizabeth then gives the phones to Olivia Pope & Associates; telling them to leave her family out of it. When Andrew refuses to leave the White House, Mellie tells Elizabeth that Andrew "needs to be shut down, shut up, rendered mute". Mellie reminds Lizzie that she slept with Andrew after Huck tortured her and threatened to hurt her daughter Jane.



→ See and enjoy 309 pictures of Elizabeth North at Images of Elizabeth North.
6x11 (04-25-17) GeorgeProps - Elizabeth North Bio 02


